<p>Hello. I've been accepted to UofM's undergrad engineering program and as of now, I can see myself either being a biomedical engineer or a dentist (bioengineering or predental).</p>
<p>What opportunities are there for me to get into coop or internship programs during my education?</p>
<p>Tons. Michigan’s engineering school has a database for undergrad engineers to put up a resume/fill out a profile, and companies come search the database for prospective employees/interns. They also do have a co-op program, but because of the time commitment, sometimes students who choose that graduate in 5 years instead of 4, just because they are working part of the time.</p>
<p>All of the engineering students I’ve talked to (since I’m an accepted engineering student too!) have jobs lined up for after they graduate, and lots of them are returning to companies they worked/interned for during college.</p>
<p>To me, it sounds like there are tons of opportunities, especially because companies specifically watch for Michigan Engineers since the program is so high-ranking.</p>