Internships in Property Development?

<p>Does anyone know of any summer internships offered to undergraduate students who are pursuing careers in Real Estate/ International Finance and Marketing? Currently, I'm a sophomore at the University of Miami, in the School of Business, double-major in IFMX and Real Estate. Last summer, I had the opportunity to intern for one of the world's top investment banks. However this summer I am looking to dive into the world of real estate. </p>

<p>Any internships in New York City, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston, or anywhere else would be awesome? Preferably with companies that offer living arrangements (in college dorms or wherever) for their interns. Last year, I commuted, but my co workers lived at Columbia and NYU.</p>

<p>I'm not sure of any national ones, but look into smaller real estate companies. A friend of mine didn't have the best GPA by any means, but she easily got an internship with a real estate company, although it was unpaid. I'd recommend going to your schools career center and asking there, or just try to find something online.</p>

<p>Any recommendations for online? I've been searching and searching and found like very few. I found one offered by SPG on a site, but then I went to their site, and there is nothing about internships in the Career section. My GPA is competitive (3.5-3.6), but not ultra-competitive (3.75+).</p>

<p>I’m back. I’ve been searching all over the internet and even emailed SPG and they were sorry to inform me that they are not having that program this summer due to the financial situation. </p>

<p>Any advice would definitely be appreciated? I’ll intern for a development, construction, or commercial properties company. I’d prefer Los Angeles, international (Hong Kong) or New York.</p>

<p>Development has come to a grinding halt in most markets. You will get many similar replies to the one you got. Perhaps this is a summer for something else and you can revisit this later? Or perhaps seek a job with a deep pocket investor in real estate acquisitions, given the fire sales going on this is where the real estate action is.</p>