Interracial Dating: Which Campus?

<p>Hey I'm wondering which colleges are considered the most racist and I should stay away from. I'm interested in interracial dating and I don't wanna go to a racist university.</p>

<p>maybe try to go to colleges in major cities</p>

<p>HBCUs might be about the only place you’d have trouble with interracial dating, and only then because of a simple lack of supply.</p>

<p>This shouldn’t be a major factor in your decision; most colleges have at least a moderate stance on issues.</p>

<p>Yup, major cities on the west coast or northeast are your best bet. But really, the majority of colleges are liberal, and very few “destination” colleges are conservative. The few exceptions would be some religious (Norte Dame) or southern schools (Vanderbilt), which are easily avoidable. And even there, interracial dating isn’t a problem.</p>



<p>I wouldn’t call Vandy conservative. It’s more moderate than anything else.</p>

<p>44 percent of the campus self-identifies as Republican, 35 as Democrat and 22 percent as independent.
[Wanted:</a> Liberal writers | InsideVandy](<a href=“]Wanted:”>Hotels Inside)</p>

<p>Furthermore, 5 out of the top 10 universities in JBHE’s ranking of “attracting, enrolling, and graduating African-American students as well as bringing black professors to their campuses” are located in the South (#1 Duke, #2 Emory, #5 Vandy, #6 UNC, and #9 UVA).</p>

<p>That’s pretty conservative as far as college campuses go these days.</p>


Compared to Bard or Hampshire, perhaps. Compared to BSC or Wheaton, not at all. Keep a proper perspective.</p>

<p>Yeah, but one could safely say most schools are slightly liberal. Vandy is not, I wouldn’t say moderate, they would be slightly conservative, IMO.</p>

<p>Even on the more conservative campuses like Vandy and Notre Dame and Wake Forest, I really don’t think it should be that big of a problem. I’m about as conservative as it gets, atleast politically, and I really don’t think anyone gives a crap if someone is interracially dating. Not a big deal and if you want to go to a southern school, I really wouldn’t think this should deter you.</p>

<p>Bob Jones University</p>

<p>Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, etc. are maybe slightly right of center. When I think slightly right, I think friendly, at least occasionally churchgoing folks with an emphasis on morals and family and a liking of low taxes.</p>

<p>That’s far from racist.</p>

<p>Let’s get this straight first of all: conservative does NOT equal racist. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t call conservative colleges racist… the colleges who are willing to sacrifice quality in the name of “diversity” by using affirmative action like policies are the racist ones. For instance, UF has(or had recently) a 100 point discrepancy between black and white students admitted. That is obviously preferring one race over another in the admissions process, and is at it’s very core, a racist process. I’m not a racist person at all, my best friends are made up of one white guy, two black girls, and a half Cherokee guy. But these colleges that aim to overcome racism by discriminating against the majority truly do sicken me. </p>

<p>But if you really want someplace for interracial dating, just look at the mix of ethnicities in college profiles. Your best bets are probably large state schools in the south, northeast, and west, as well as schools in large urban areas. I can’t think of any one four year university that I would call racist. Even ultra-conservative schools like Pensacola Christian have a lot of racial diversity… trust me, I live in Pensacola. They may be crazy, but they’re not racist.</p>



<p>Maybe not, but judging by your post it does equal egregiously ignorant.</p>

<p>Bob Jones University once had extremist racial views, but I don’t think that’s quite the case any more.</p>

<p>AT9 –</p>

<p>Is it true that Pensacola Christian has blue sidewalks for men and and pink sidewalks for women?</p>

<p>Considering the national numbers are:</p>



<p>[Local</a> Exit Polls - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from](<a href=“]Local”></p>

<p>I’d say that makes Vandy VERY conservative.</p>

<p>And AT9, are you denying that racism exists against black people? Because affirmative action is designed to admit students who would have been higher achievers but couldn’t due to racial discrimination. Personally, I’m in favor of changing AA to be based on economic status, but even then it would disproportionately benefit minorities. Do you deny that white people are privileged in this country?</p>



<p>I object. </p>

<p>Affirmative action can be a heavily race-conscious process, and thus it is reasonable and very possible to argue that it is a racist one.</p>

<p>Read student reviews of the University of Texas and other southern schools. There are plenty of firsthand reports of the professors discriminating, either covertly or overtly, against minority students. There’s definitely racism in colleges, but AA isn’t it.</p>

<p>It can be argued that AA is racist, but to connect that practice to prejudice within the student body is a leap. And given that this thread is really asking about interracial dating, you’re looking at a really, really big leap.</p>

<p>Please take the AA discussion to the designated thread before this descends into a flame war.</p>



<p>I agree entirely.</p>

<p>However, AT9 was condemning the administrations at AA-practicing institutions as racist, not their student bodies.</p>

<p>KWU, I couldn’t have said it better:</p>



<p>Take heed. Stay on topic. Reread the Opening Post and address responses to the key dilemma asked therein: where will interracial dating be acceptable?</p>

<p>To the OP: I don’t want to see people chiming in on what they think is the “most racist university.” Ask what can be answered.</p>

<p>Let’s limit this thread to reply to know this: where might you date interracially and cause no particular extra attention by doing so. </p>

<p>Moderator Paying3Tutions</p>