Interships at Law Firms as a Yale Student


<p>I am currently a highschool senior who has been accepted into Yale class of 2010.</p>

<p>In another board I read a post by another highschool senior who got an unpaid internship position at a law firm. Reading that post I thought 'If a highschool senior can get an internship position at a law firm, surely a Yalie can!'</p>

<p>Due to personal reasons, I can't work this summer. But as a person enthusiastic about career in law, I would really like to be an intern at a law firm next summer, with or without pay.</p>

<p>I would prefer to work in law firms in the New Haven region, because I live in a place where there aren't many lawyers. </p>

<p>I would greatly appreciate any advice you might be able to give me on accomplishing this. Specifically, how do I go about finding law firm internship positions? Do I search the web and read ads on newspapers? Should I send my resume and cover letter to area law firms? To whom should I direct these letters to? What kind of help can Yale provide in finding a position? </p>

<p>Even if your knowledge does not directly answer these questions I would still be very thankful if you would share it with me. I would be especially excited to learn about experiences of people who did get internship positions at a law firm.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>