<p>What should I wear to a casual interview in a cafe?</p>
<p>I had a similar experience, and wore jeans, a nice shirt, and a nice jacket. Look professional, but not too overdressed. Also, have fun! Interviews are so scary, but afterwards (at least me) I get a pretty good feeling, so GOOD LUCK.</p>
<p>For my Yale interview, I wore black dress pants, heels and nice top for an interview at Barnes and Noble. I might have overdressed, but I think that’s better than underdressing…</p>
<p>For my interview to a different prestigious university, I was meeting him in his office (he’s a professor) and I wore jeans and flip flops! So bad, I know, but in my defense, I didn’t realize I’d have to go there straight after school, so I didn’t have time to stop home and change. </p>
<p>Don’t overstress about it… Unless you wear something completely eccentric or if your hair is dyed pink or something, I’m pretty sure the interviewer will only give your attire a passing glance. However, if you’re really nervous, I’d recommend overdressing. I think it’s somewhat of a compliment; it shows that you value the importance of the interview and their time. </p>
<p>Good luck!! :)</p>
<p>I wore black dress pants, and a striped blouse. Just wear something comfortable. It is always better to be overdressed. Dressing nicely is a way of showing your respect for the interviewer.</p>
<p>First, unless you are dissheveled, ragged, or dirty, it probably won’t make any difference. Probably.
That being said, for males, the best thing to do is to wear the business casual uniform: collared shirt, khaki pants, and shoes that are not athletic shoes. You will almost never seem overdressed or underdressed.</p>
<p>I dressed in my normal day clothes. The alumni didn’t care. Heck, he didn’t even care that I’m GAY. Haha. He pretty much asked in-depth questions about me being a gay muslim!</p>
<p>wow this is a first
i dont think ive ever met a gay muslim.
there are probably many of them but they dont admit it</p>
<p>:) I’m just one of the open ones, I suppose.</p>
<p>Is it possible to be those two at the same time? Is it just that your parents are muslim?</p>