Interview for an international applicant.

<p>Hi. I'm an international undergraduate applicant.</p>

<p>I am applying to the School of Hotel Administration.
And um, I live outside of the United States ,in one of the US territories.</p>

<p>I know they have a mandatory interview, but I wasn't sure if I could.
So I called the School of Hotel Administration and asked them if I still needed to take an interview, and they told me yes.</p>

<p>I requested an interview off campus but I don't think anyone can even come near here.</p>

<p>So I think I might have to do it via phone.
I don't know if that's what they are gonna do.</p>


<p>if I really have to do it, WHAT QUESTIONS DO THEY ASK YOU?</p>

<p>help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Yes it is mandatory, yes you should do it over the phone, and I have no idea what questions they ask. Bump.</p>

<p>my interview was actually kind of fun. i met with a local alum and we actually snuck into her country club through the locker room entrances since it wasn’t open as she thought it would be. while she did asked many questions and took notes, it ended up being more of a casual conversation about the hospitality industry, we talked about my work experience and projects she was involved in. none of the questions were too difficult to answer as long as you have a legitimate interest in the field. the interview is definitely required, but as long as they let you do it over the phone, i don’t see where the problem is.</p>