Interview Help

<p>Ok, So I got my email for an interview a few months back but I wanted to push it out of my mind until I finished an ED app I was working on. I thought I would just call up my interviewer like a month later and set it up but, I forgot about it and I still have not set up the interview and I'm not sure what I should do. Should I just call up my interviewer like I just got the email. Should I email the Alumni Committee Chair and tell him I wasn't able to contact the interviewer. Should I email Georgetown and say I never got the email. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>Jeez, I don’t know, you’re really supposed to respond immediately. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t lie, though, that’ll just makes things worse. I’d contact the interviewer immediately and tell him the truth. Say you got it a month or two ago and just explain that you thought at the time that you could respond when it was best for you. Apologize PROFUSELY, and just say it was a misunderstanding</p>

<p>ahaha, dude are you serious? You just completely ignored the interviewer? Jesus christ. ahaha you are either very vain or just a ****ing dumbass. What did you think he was going to do? Wait several months for your reply? </p>

<p>Let me say again: you are either a beast out or a complete, socially unaware fool</p>