Interview in CT

<p>I’m in Fairfield County in CT. I was wondering if anyone from this area had an alumni interview. I’m considering calling up the Alumni Secondary School Committee Network but want to make sure I’m overlooked, not that Penn’s interviews are late in CT.</p>

<p>If anyone had an interview from CT or Fairfield County, please let me know.</p>


<p>-The CT Coot66</p>

<p>u r not guaranteed an interivew... interviewees are randomly selected, and i dont think that you can request one</p>

<p>I also live in Fairfield County and I have not been contacted for an interview. I haven't received confirmation that my application is complete either. A friend of mine is still waiting on an interview as well. I hope that I get one, but I think it will all work out if I don't. I guess we will see soon. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Just a little update:
I called the Admissions Office and was told interviews aren't required and guarenteed (two things I knew). The lady also told me that interviews are simply a way for candidates to find out more about Penn (something I doubt)and that if I had any questions I could ask her (she was a Penn graduate). After inquiring about the latest an interview is set, she told me that if I didn't get a call yet, I probably won't get an interview. Oh well, so much for charming an alum. </p>

<p>I did get a blue card confimation, though...</p>

<p>-The Charming Coot66</p>

<p>Thanks for letting me know. It worries me a little that I might not get an interview, but, I guess it is out of my hands. I called the admissions office today and I was told that they don't send out confirmations for applications, and that if if I didn't get anything, that is good news... A few people have told me that they got a confirmation post card though. Maybe I will call again just to make sure. Thanks!</p>

I wanted to let you know that I was contacted for an interview today.</p>