Interview Invitations

<p>Hey, I think this thread would be useful. Since the applications are done, we'll all be waiting for the interview notifications. </p>

<p>So, if you have been invited for an interview, please post it here (just state which program and whether it was by email/phone/mail), so others who are applying to the same program are in the loop. </p>



<p>ive been invited for usc, northwesstern, and brown so far. waiting on rice/baylor.</p>

<p>to the poster above… you got an interview for northwestern and PLME? i applied to both of those around the second week of december but didnt hear from either yet… what were your stats and did the stuff come in the mail (where do you live), im from NJ so maybe takes a while… when did it come? and for PLME isnt that just a regular alumni interview, whereas the northwestern one is with doctors and is specific to the HPME program… thanks anway</p>

<p>i think we should disregard #3. northwestern just got all their materials 4 days ago. i HIGHLY doubt they have sent out any invitations to interview. in addition, i talked to a friend who got into the program last year and he said northwestern sends out interviews near the end of january.</p>

<p>you guys are just jealous that you havent gotten any invites.</p>

<p>no seriously im already in college lol. hope i didnt make anyones heart stop.</p>

<p>ikir07, that’s funny but not. come on, you know we’re all stressed about this stuff, no need to make us more stressed :P</p>

<p>yea it was kinda funny… but not relli</p>

<p>some pple (ok me) are taking for granted that any information posted up here is true- so yea… not fun dashing peoples hopes like u probably did for someone when you posted that</p>

<p>i got interviews for boston u and st. bonaventure med progs so far.</p>

<p>wohhh… bu sent out interview invitations already?</p>

<p>University of Alabama, Birmingham’s program has started to send out interview invitations as well as rejections through email- i just got a rejection from them :-(</p>

<p>K, I’ve been scanning through this forum…
and it seems like these programs have already started giving out the interviews::</p>

St. Bonaventure
University of Alabama</p>

<p>I have a Union</p>

<p>Woah what? BU is already sending out interviews? How do they notify you?</p>

<p>Do they send all of their interview stuff out at once? So if you haven’t heard already, are you screwed?</p>

<p>UPDATE: Wow, BU applicant link says my science teacher rec hasn’t been received. But I called them to verify and they told me they had it…this was in mid-December.</p>

<p>I’m really worried…I applied to these programs:</p>

<p>University of Miami
Virginia Commonwealth
Saint Louis University</p>

<p>I haven’t heard back from any of them about any interviews or anything. People have posted saying they’ve received interview requests for BU and UofMiami, but I haven’t heard about the others, and so those worry me. Also I’m worried for SLU presidential scholarship since my cousin got an interview request but I haven’t heard anything yet.</p>

<p>Gawd this is killing me…</p>

<p>i also would like to know how BU notfys students…i havent received one either :(</p>

<p>I talked to my brother when he got home today. He applied to a lot of ba/md programs, and he told me that he didn’t hear from anywhere until mid to late january, even though he had seen posts here from people who got interview requests, and so he waited a month watching other people get interviews while he didn’t hear anything.</p>

<p>So, I guess we can just sit tight and see what happens to some extent…but the suspense/fear/anxiety is killing me.</p>

<p>for BU you receive the letter in the mail. they send them out periodically, some people get them earlier, some people get them later.</p>

<p>my friend got the Virginia Commenwealth (VCU) one</p>

<p>VCU already??</p>

<p>i thought that wasnt supposed to come until the 3rd week of january</p>

<p>actually her interview is at the end of january i think</p>