Interview (like so many others)

<p>So I applied for an off campus interview (unfortunately at the very last minute, literally) as the on campus interviews were closed. My asking for the interview went through on time and all, and it gave me a number to call after two weeks if I wasn't contacted about it. Well, that computer broke (my fault hehe) and I decided to send an email asking if it was still under consideration or what not. Well I managed to get an email back very quickly. Unfortunately, it wasn't good news "Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, the interviews process is over" Yet I have heard of people still getting interviews? Just a little confused, thats all. Really wanted the interview, certainly loved Rice the first visit and more the second.</p>

<p>Don’t sweat it, the interview won’t make or break you at Rice. They are much more informational in nature than a test the candidate type of thing. Although Rice likely welcomes the input from interviewers, i doubt it would get one of two similar students into the school.</p>

<p>I don’t mean to jack your thread but…</p>

<p>I asked for an interview in mid-November, and I never received a scheduling email, nor did I follow up at the contact number provided (I forgot). </p>

<p>I’m afraid that maybe they did schedule my interview, and it would look like I just didn’t show up…do you think I will be penalized?</p>

<p>Ouch, I have no idea. Did an interviewer ever contact you? If not, I think you’ll be fine. As long as you didn’t tell an interviewer that you would meet them Wednesday night, they probably know it got lost in the spam filter or something.</p>

<p>Well, I just called yesterday and the lady said interviews go up to ~1/20. She said you SHOULD be contacted by 1/5.</p>

<p>Meh, I didn’t apply until Jan 1st last year, much too late for an interview, and I got in with merit money. Don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info : ) Now I have more time to hope lol. Not too worried though.</p>

<p>4:37 p.m. today.
Email asking when it’s best for me to interview.
Ironic? I think so.</p>