Interview Not Processed!! HELP

<p>What should I do? I had my interview on the 30th of December. I emailed them a couple of weeks ago but it still appears unprocessed on my account tracking page. I just emailed them again. Should I contact my interviewer? It's insanely hard to get in touch with her for some reason. Is there still time before the AdComs stop reading applications?</p>

<p>First of all, don’t worry. It’s not your fault mainly because it not part of your work (there more lenient with their deadline with recommenders and interviewers). What I think you should do is CALL the Admission Office, and ask about it. If they say they haven’t received it, tell them you had the interview a long time ago (the 31st of December). After that, you should try your best to get in touch with your interviewer by PHONE. Ask him if he sent it or not.</p>