<p>I had my interview about a month ago and the guy called me and wanted to have the interview at his house...I felt really uncomfortable so I called him and asked to find a starbucks where he lived. He had just moved to southern california from NYC about a couple of weeks before. So he was kind of bothered.Throughout the whole interview he was stoic and wouldn't crack a smile. I would make a joke and he would just look at me...He was also the only one out of all my interviews that asked for my academic stats...which i thought was kind of weird. I can just tell that he probably didn't recommend me to hamilton or put anything good about me. What do you think about it? Isn't it kind of weird for him to ask me to interview at his house with only him?!? (i'm a girl). Will this hurt me...? Thanks for your opinion :)</p>
<p>all ive been told about interviews is that “They can only help you…”</p>
<p>so as terrible as it may have seem, have faith and be confident!!!</p>
<p>everything works out as it should, the hard part is making it through the waiting game!</p>
<p>I think a lot of interviewers prefer to do the interview at their home – couldn’t you have had your parent or friend go with you and wait outside? You were probably the only one who complained and asked him to inconvenience himself to find a Starbucks and do an interview in a public place. What do you think? They have ax murderers posing and alumni luring people to their homes.</p>
<p>lala… i think Rosieoney may be your interviewer</p>
<p>LOL just kidding! :P</p>
<p>hahaha. I don’t think that is what they’re doing. I don’t think he realized what he was doing. but it’s cool. i’ll be okay =)</p>
<p>He’s probably just a play-it-real-straight kind of guy. I don’t think an adult should be upset if a student wants to meet in a public place. If he’s that put-off, maybe he shouldn’t be doing interviewing.</p>
<p>I completely understand your concern with interviewing at the guy’s house, I had a friend who did that and she was nervous about it (even though it turned out fine). Everyone I know who has done off campus interviews has done at least one at a starbucks, so this guy shouldn’t have thought that was weird. </p>
<p>As for your interview, even if you’re worried about what this guy wrote up, it still shows initiative that you did an interview and that you’re really interested in hamiliton. If it makes you feel any better, I did my interview with a senior on campus who seemed really stuck up and disinterested, it was awkward, but i guess its just the luck of the draw who you interview with!</p>