Interview Question

<p>This summer, I had an on-campus interview at Harvard. It really wasn't an interview as much as it was the person telling me all about Harvard. I was wondering if I will still get an alumni interview, as I would love a chance for them to get to know me through asking me questions, rather than a Harvard admissions person talking to me about why I should come to Harvard.</p>

<p>yes i believe you still get an alum interview</p>

<p>Honestly, I felt the alumni who interviewed me sort of monopolized the conversation.</p>

<p>I’m so nervous… my harvard alumni interview is TOMORROW!
I’ve only ever had one interview, an on-campus at Brandeis.
I have the feeling that I’m completely, 100% going to epic fail tomorrow.
<em>flips out</em>
Okay, I feel better now :slight_smile:
But still, any last minute tips?
I’m planning on wearing a suit jacket, slacks, and a tie because my interviewer’s VP of this big paper-mill company in my area and is meeting me at his office. Good idea? Or should I dress more casually?</p>


<p>My personal advice will always be a NICE sweater and a fine pair of khakis (so that your outfit kind of works whether it’s a formal or casual setting), or maybe like an Oxford shirt with a tie (if he is interviewing you after working tomorrow). I think a jacket and slacks will make you look a little bit…over eager?</p>

<p>How long after submitting your app does someone contact you usually?</p>

<p>WishyWashy: I wish I had seen your post before now!!
I had my interview, and I ended up wearing the whole shebang: suit jacket, fancy slacks, dress shoes, tie.
The guy had on a turtleneck and casual khakis.
But it was all good, we had an amazing conversation for an hour and 40 minutes, and it was very casual and down-to-earth, yet he asked me a lot about who I was.
So I think the interview went spiffingly, but I did apologize, at the end, for my overdressedness and he just laughed and said he understood because he overdressed for his daughter’s prep school interview the week before.</p>
