Interview Question

<p>When the interviewer asks, "So what other schools are you applying to?"
Is it a good idea to mention you are also applying to HYPSM?</p>

<p>Any opinion is appreciated.</p>

<p>mine didn’t ask me that, but why would it matter? It’s just to get a better sense of who you are.</p>

<li>you don’t lie, but you do not need to include the full list. You do not want to give the impression that the interviewer is from a “safety school.”</li>
<li>if you can finesse it successfully, you can say something along the lines of "I am applying to a range of schools with excellent programs in _____ and then my parents and I will evaluate the cost of attending those that accept me and we’ll see what makes the most sense for me and my family.</li>

<p>fyi, interviewers are instructed not to ask that question.</p>

<p>my mit interviewer asked this question. i was like</p>

<p>… for ten seconds. SO AWKWARD.</p>