<p>Calling all current, past, or future i-bankers —</p>
<p>I am a high school student who is currently enrolled in a “Professional Career Education” class. We have a research project due about future possible careers. In it, there needs to be an interview with a person who is involved or has experience with that job. If someone (or more than one person) could kindly provide some answers to my (very generic) questions, that would help me immensely! Or if you just feel like providing some random information, I could use that too :)</p>
<p>They’re just very basic questions, but I need a human response x_o; Elaboration is appreciated.</p>
<li>Name (Just for teacher to know that we interviewed a real person)</li>
<li>Where were you educated?</li>
<li>Were you pleased with your education? If not, what are the top institutions to attend for investment banking, in your opinion?</li>
<li>What are your job title and daily duties?</li>
<li>How did you break into the field (summer internship? elaborate please :D)?</li>
<li>Why did you decide to enter this field (money, parents, etc.)?</li>
<li>What are the most attractive aspects of your job? the most annoying?</li>
<li>From your experiences, what are the most important character traits that one must possess to succeed?</li>
<li>Do you have any regrets/warnings/advice about choosing this career?</li>