<p>So I've heard back from two schools. One rejection :( and one interview invite :) </p>
<p>My question is that for the school I have an interview at, I put down two POI's with slightly different research areas. I've only talked to the one POI who has invited me to the interview on the phone and has been talking to me via email to set everything up. I have not heard anything from the other POI. The confusing part is the POI I have heard from is in area contact for graduate studies in neuroscience at this school. So, I don't know if he is the only one contacting me because its his job or because he's my POI. </p>
<p>So, is it likely I will meet with both POI's? Is it possible that the other POI invited someone they liked more than me so right of the bat I'm only interviewing with one POI? </p>
<p>Thanks for any feedback on interviews and multiple POI's :)</p>