
<p>I’m leaving on January 21 for five months abroad. I’d really love to have an interview, but I don’t know how to let them know that I either a) need one before I leave or b) need one from an international alum. Should I email? Call? Write a letter? Include a note in the additional information section? thanks/</p>

<p>any help? please?</p>

<p>Here's something from an old thread. Generally, they call some(not all) for interviews after you've submitted your app, or at least the first part of it. Whether or not you get one depends on how many interviewers there are in your area. I remember hearing maybe about half get one. But you could possibly call the school, get the number for your SSC and explain your cirucumstances.</p>

<p>Alumni Interviews
"Personal interviews are available through our Alumni Secondary School Committee (SSC) volunteers, who will contact first-year candidates after they have applied to Penn. Individual on-campus interviews are not available as requests vastly exceed our ability to meet this need. Although not required for admission, the alumni interview can be a valuable source for learning more about the University. In addition, we encourage you to rely upon your application for admission as a forum for presenting the many unique aspects of your candidacy.</p>

<p>SSC interviews for Early Decision candidates are conducted between November l and December 1, SSC interviews for Regular Decision candidates are offered in January and February.</p>

<p>Alumni interviews are offered only in regions with active Secondary School Committees"</p>