

University of Notre Dame asked me to interview with them through InitialView for the application process. Turns out I can send the recorded Skype interview to as many schools as I’d like to.

Do you think it’d be beneficial for me to send to other schools that I applied to that didn’t ask for interview (i.e: Boston College, Georgetown University…).

Thank you!

Dear annavoltair : Why would other universities be interested in an interview you have with Notre Dame? Unless you can be completely generic and avoid mentioning school specifics (which would defeat the purpose of showing your knowledge about Notre Dame), the content would likely be valueless to other institutions. Think about it.

Another way of looking at this question would be through the other institutions’ eyes : Why is this video file being submitted? What is this candidate trying to communicate to us that did not get included in his/her application?

I would not circulate the video file unless you were presenting specific research that you performed in High School.

It was a very generic interview done through InitialView. Northwestern requested a similar one so I sent it to them too.

Was your Notre Dame interview for a special program/scholarship, because they “do not offer an interview as part of the admissions process.” Was this for Notre Dame in Indiana or Australia? I hope you applied to the school you intended.
Also, to answer your question, I don’t think other schools will want a copy of your interview. If they want an interview, the will ask for one. If it’s not part of their usual process, they surely won’t have time to review it.

Its for Notre Dame in Indiana. They asked for an interview for mainland China applicants (I’m Korean though).

several schools use this service for the international applicants, esp in china (even if US citizens). but since it’s generic, it won’t yield the same benefit to the applicant as a personal interview (in person or skype). D opted NOT to do this interview because of this (requesting school stated it was optional). if the school requires it, that’s a different story. but it would not be beneficial to send this interview to a school that didn’t specifically ask you to send it. especially when you consider the extra risk mentioned in reply #1.

Interviews are seldom a deciding factor in admissions, so not something to worry about too much.

@annavoltair - We choose not to utilize InitialView’s services, and thus would not accept an InitialView interview if you sent it.

–Boston College Undergraduate Admission

Thank you!!! :slight_smile: