
<p>is it required that one has an interview.... when is the latest we can still have it b/c i haven't even scheduled a date...thanks</p>

<p>Have you looked on the MIT admissions site? In the "deadlines" section <a href=""&gt;;/a> you'll find everything you need to know about deadlines. </p>

<p>In the "Interviews/Educational Counselors (ECs)" section you'll find everything you need to know about having an interiew. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Their admissions site is informative and easy to navigate. Try it.</p>

<p>To explicitly answer your first question, no, interviews are optional. But applicants who have interviews are accepted at a higher rate than those who don't. ;)</p>

<p>Except if the interview is waived due to lack of interviewer near your location. If MIT waives the interview there is no effect on your application.</p>