
<p>Okay- well we're soon going up to Connecticut for interviews.. the one I had last year was off campus. I went to a woman's house- she made me take off my shoes and her kids kept running into the room every 10 minutes asking her if they were allowed to go watch TV or something (:. Anyways back to my question- what are some MAJOR questions I should expect or simply funny things that could happen??</p>

<p>well i tripped at my exeter interview… plus i might of toppled her coffee table. lol, i am clumsy</p>

<p>you will want to know why you want to apply to (blank) school, that’s a question that never fails to show up at every interview i’ve gone to. depending on what year you’re applying to, they might ask about that. i’m applying for junior year and my interviewers asked about that.</p>

<p>oh yeaa i forgot to answer the question. lol anyways. what your passionate about, your favorite classes in order from greatest to least, words that describe you, your dreams for the future, wat you want to be. they’ll also ask if your parents are committed to letting you go to boarding school and if they support that. if your doing a face-to-face interview, they would probably ask that</p>

<p>Ok, so when they ask why, most of the schools I want to go to I want to go to because they have great music programs, but aso great academics. Is that too generic of an answer or should I go more in depth for the “Why do you want to go to X school?” question?</p>

<p>i don’t think so. i think that that’s what a school is made up of: the classes and programs so it’s definetly not a generic answer, especially if you can relate to your own life experiences, for example, if you play violin, you could really like the music program at x school</p>

<p>Just did St.Pauls interview, and pretty much all those questions came up. Not sure how I’ll answer why I specifically want to go the other schools. Because I actually had real reasons for SPS, I don’t have them for others lol.</p>

<p>kay thanks!
i just hope they won’t be like okay she’s like the other 100 people applying for that spot</p>

<p>make sure to really research and find out the special features only that school has.
like for my st. paul’s interview, i commented on the “freedom of responsibility” idea and how it’s necessary in an educational environment, while relating it with an experience I had on an island school. </p>

<p>but don’t worry, you’ll do fine once the interview starts.</p>

<p>My advice is to take a deep breath right before you go in; remember that the people interviewing you are not out to get you. They truly want to know why you made the effort to come down and visit the school, and if you’d honestly be a good fit. They aren’t looking for reasons to deny you!</p>

<p>Here are the most common questions I was asked:
What is your favorite subject in school?
How would your TEACHERS describe you?
What is the one thing you struggle with most?
Why did you decide to look into boarding schools? [Most of my interviewers asked it just like that… it was quite a broad question. I tried to point out the universal reasons, and then show them what I liked specifically about their school.]
What makes a good teacher to you?
What classes are you taking? What is your least favorite?
What are your biggest passions outside of school?</p>

<p>And here were the two biggest ones for me.
Is there anything else about yourself you’d like me to know?
What questions do you have for me?</p>

<p>Make sure to prepare honest and good answers for the above two… they give you a lot of room to answer and really convince them, and I found that, especially for the former question, I’d usually draw a blank. There’s just so much I want them to know, and I couldn’t pinpoint even one thought.</p>

<p>Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll do great!</p>

<p>Awesome help here. Would love to hear more. My son will be interviewing at schools soon and has NO CLUE what he will be asked, nor do I, to give him some insight. I am going to show him this post tonight.</p>

<p>what are you interests.
that is the biggest one :)</p>

<p>Ok, so what things do you guys respond to the “What else do you want me to know about you”? I never know how to respond to those kind of questions.</p>

<p>That is a thinking on your feet question. You have to be naturally quick witted and a conversationalist to answer these effectively. I got into Mock Trial because I could think on my feet and I’m also very observant. </p>

<p>I notice things like books by the interviewers desk(I was interviewing with a local alum) and I said I had read “X” authors work(I really did) and he was surprised because there was a copy on his desk… He was impressed and we talked about the book. I looked very well read and I made the assumption that he enjoyed the book because it is 4 years old and it was still on his desk and it looked worn.</p>


<p>Any advice for that question for an over the phone interview?</p>