
<p>My son applied for Wharton ED and he had his interview yesterday. Do think it is too late for ED interview since we are expecting ED results in a week.

<p>Really? I thought I read interviews were all done in November. The interviews don’t really affect admissions so he might already be decided on.</p>

<p>yea…agreed…interviews aren’t that important, it wouldn’t be a make or break factor</p>

<p>can u tell us who is the interviewer?</p>

<p>I just applied today for RD and live in NYC. Is it likely I will get an interview?</p>

<p>i had my interview a couple days ago too. my interviewer told me that Penn was still making their decisions this week and the interview could help if the applicant is on the edge.</p>

<p>^if u are legacy…</p>

<p>my friend had an interview w/ an alumni and he said it was super relaxed but only lasted like 20 min.</p>

<p>i agree that the interview is way overblown.</p>