<p>How much weightage is given to the interviewer report?</p>
<p>What if the interviewer report is biased based on factors like race, nationality etc?</p>
<p>How much weightage is given to the interviewer report?</p>
<p>What if the interviewer report is biased based on factors like race, nationality etc?</p>
<p>Are you referring to the Cornell Alumni interview? It carries weight in the sense that it shows interest on your part. Other than that, not much. My D did hers over e-mail.</p>
<p>Why would the interviewer report be biased? What would ever give you the impression that they would ever be biased. Bear in mind, many interviewers are different nationalities as well, as was the case with my D</p>
<p>Adding on to the above post, the only interviews that carry significant weight is in Hotel, Architecture and Fine Arts.</p>
<p>The interviewer did not provide any information on Cornell other than saying Cornell is a great University to attend.</p>
<p>The interviewer asked my kid for GPA, Colleges applied to and other information which I feel should not be the focus of the interview.</p>
<p>Not really sure what the interviewer had in mind to conduct the interview in this manner.</p>
<p>With competition being so stiff nowadays, even a small item matters. </p>
<p>Really concerned that the interview went this way.</p>
<p>I don’t think it really matters for much, but it can certainly help. The guy that interviewed me really liked me and said if I didn’t get in ED then he would talk to people he knows on the admissions committee to try to get me in, although I’m not sure if he could’ve actually done anything. Luckily, I got in.</p>