<p>I was just wondering how important the interview is to Swat. I know at most schools it doesn't make much difference...while at others, it is very important.</p>
<p>I have visited and taken a tour. I'd like to think everything else in my app is in line haha, but who really knows.</p>
<p>Any thoughts would be appreciated! I know I can't rectify the situation now, but I was just curious.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, my perception of the importance of interviews at Swarthmore is as follows:
Interviews with admissions officers (which usually take place on campus) are weighted somewhat more than interviews with alumni.
In general, interviews are an attempt to get a picture of the applicant that goes beyond the “paper” record in your extensive application file. One thing they will be trying to get a sense of is to what extent you will both fit in and contribute to campus life.
The only case in which not interviewing might be viewed negatively is if you live relatively close to Swarthmore. By relatively close, I mean within a 2 hour drive or so. This might be perceived as a lack of interest, and Swarthmore does say that they give “some consideration” to demonstrated interest. If you have visited, taken a tour, and importantly gotten on record with the admissions office that you have done so, that may well be enough demonstrated interest, even without having had an interview.</p>
<p>I agree with dadx3 that an on campus interview might be somewhat valuable. My son had a very long on-campus interview, after which the interviewer told him that he would be a good fit for Swat. (Of course, he already knew that. ;)) However, I don’t think the interview carries a huge amount of weight.</p>
<p>I wish I had had the chance to interview, but it didn’t work out that way. Hopefully my “why Swat” essay had enough personality! I think it was relatively unique given the generic prompt.</p>