Interviews for Regular Decision?

I know that Columbia offers interviews, but can you get an interview if you apply regular decision? Also, if you do ask for an interview while applying regular decision, when should you ask for one, and when can you expect the interview to take place? And finally, when do they release the application for 2007 Fall freshmen? (Or is it a General Application?)</p>

- Tenniskh89</p>

<p>Yes you can definitely get an interview if you apply RD. Columbia will arrange an interview for applicants with a local alumni</p>

<p>they won't always arrage an interview for you. I never got an interview, and I was flat-out rejected</p>

<p>Interviews matter very little in terms of admissions.</p>

<p>If you dont get an interview then there probably isnt one nearby. If that is the case, arrange an on campus interview if possible.</p>

If you dont get an interview then there probably isnt one nearby. If that is the case, arrange an on campus interview if possible.


<p>Do you really think you have a clue what you're talking about? If you don't know you don't know something, don't spew misinformation. You're incredibly wrong.</p>

<p>Unless you're a legacy, you can't "arrange an on campus interview if possible." And, if you don't get an interview, it is more likely that there are too many applicants in your area than that there "isnt one nearby."</p>

Interviews matter very little in terms of admissions.


<p>Everythng matters.</p>

I know that Columbia offers interviews, but can you get an interview if you apply regular decision?


<p>RD people get interviewed. However, there aren't enough alumni to intervew everyone. It is pretty random and is based on where you live. You'll have about a 50/50 shot. If you don't get an interview, it means nothing about your chances.</p>

Also, if you do ask for an interview while applying regular decision, when should you ask for one, and when can you expect the interview to take place?


<p>RD interviews will take place between mid January and the end of February, for the most part.</p>

<p>Lets see...Im a non legacy and got an on campus yea, I think I know what Im talking about.</p>

<p>Plus my interviewer told me when the interview started that it mattered fairly little in the admissions process.</p>

<p>The part about the area having too many applicants can be true...although I live on Long Island and all 20 applicants from my school got an interview, but its understandable that could occur.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>Was your interview with a member of the admissions office? Or with an alumni interviewer who just happened to meet with you in Morningside Heights? Your anecdote directly conflicts with the website (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Please note that interviews are conducted only by Alumni Representative Committee members, are not offered on campus and are positively not a requirement for admission. Candidates who are not offered an interview are not at any disadvantage in the admissions process. Because the actual assignment of interviews is not conducted by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, we respectfully ask that you do not call or write to inquire about receiving an interview.


<p>it was a pre scheduled interview on-campus with an alum.</p>

<p>weird. i guess he just felt it was a good place to meet?</p>

<p>So, you didn't "arrange an on campus interview if possible." You applied to Columbia, checked the box that you'd like an interview. Just like everybody else who got called for interviews, you got called by an alum for an interview. You just happened to meet your guy in Morningside, probably because he either lives there or works there. I'm not sure how you could possibly derive from that that you can call the admissions office for an on-campus interview if there isn't an interviewer in your area.</p>

<p>I think it depends on where you live. Sure if you live on Long Island, it is probably that there are too many applicants to interview them all, but if you live out in rural America in the deep South or the Midwest, then I think it's more likely that there are no interviewers in your area. I was told by one of the colleges to which I applied that there was no one in my area and I live in rural GA. If that happens, you could always call the school and try to work it out. That school didn't have Atlanta in "my area" so I offered to drive the 2.5 or 3 hours to Atlanta to interview.</p>

<p>And on another note, Columbia2002, could you try, just once, not to be quite so rude. Maybe instead of "do you really think you have a clue what you're talking about?" maybe you could say "Are you sure, because I found something on the website that says ____<strong><em>." Instead of "I don't know how you could possibly derive _</em></strong>___," you could say "I could be mistaken, but I don't think that's possible." Your tone seems to turn everything into an argument.</p>

<p>There are Columbia interviewers in lots of remote places all over the world. If you're anywhere near a "major" city in the South or the Midwest, there are interviewers. If you're 3 hours from a town of more than 1,000 people, it is less likely.</p>

And on another note, Columbia2002, could you try, just once, not to be quite so rude. Maybe instead of "do you really think you have a clue what you're talking about?" maybe you could say "Are you sure, because I found something on the website that says ____<strong><em>." Instead of "I don't know how you could possibly derive _</em></strong>___," you could say "I could be mistaken, but I don't think that's possible." Your tone seems to turn everything into an argument.


<p>I know when I'm not mistaken and 100% sure about a basic fact such as this. If I'm not sure, I always give such a disclaimer. The problem is that "bobbobbob" did not give such a disclaimer when he made a blanket statement about something that he clearly did not know about. If nobody had corrected his misinformation, people would be under the impression that they could call the admissions office and try to get an on-campus interview.</p>

<p>There's correcting someone, and then there's ridiculing someone. You say your intent was to prevent misinformation, but how does your overly aggressive style do any better at preventing misinformation than "I think you may have some facts wrong; the website says this ________,"?</p>

<p>Please, no arguments, children...

<p>Thank you for your responses, though.
- Tenniskh89</p>

<p>yeah interviews can add or detract from you as an applicant, but if you don't have one, it doesn't mean anything (read: i didn't get one and i got in regular)</p>