
<p>I was reading on Wesleyan's website that interviews are "highly recommended." Is this basically saying that you have no chance if you do not do an interview, even if you fit their criteria well?</p>

<p>I don't think it means you have "no chance", but I think interviews help an application, which is why Wesleyan recommends them.
"You won't be hurt for not interviewing, but you'll be helped by interviewing" is what I've heard.</p>

<p>Thank you. IDK I just feel like I wouldn't interview well, so I'd rather not.</p>

<p>i didn't have an interview and i got in.
from what i've heard they aren't very formal anyway. it's mostly a chance for you to ask questions...</p>

<p>the interviews consist mostly of a conversation with an interviewer... not formal at all. and as it's been said before... the interview cannot hurt you. only help. so not having one is okay, but having one may boost you up.</p>

<p>my interview was weird. it was an off-campus, alumni interview. the woman who interviewed me was really nice, but she just kept talking about other shools I should consider applying too. but to her credit, she did talk up wesleyan.</p>

<p>My S had an interview on campus that really didn’t go well (it was his first interview and he hadn’t done his prep work, knew very little about Wes). He nonetheless got in and is extremely happy there.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the alumni interviews have to be done by a certain date? I’ve emailed my interviewer and I’m supposed to schedule one soon but I’m just wondering if it needs to happen NOW or if I delay it for a little while.</p>

<p>I’m having mine January 3rd. I’m pretty sure somewhere within the next half-month to a month or something is fine. You could call the admissions office. Someone I know called, and he said (about 1-2 weeks ago) that within the next month should be fine.</p>

<p>didn’t interview either</p>

<p>yeah i’m still waiting to set up a date with my interviewer. the website just said you have to “start the process” by a certain date so i’m hoping its ok if we still haven’t interviewed yet</p>

<p>Yeah, I have my alumni interview on Friday. The process they use is a little weird! But easier for Wes, I guess, haha.</p>

<p>My interviewer told me about how much pot he smoked at Wesleyan and how he still smokes to this day (he said he smoked that morning). NO LIE. And it wasn’t like I gave him a question that would warrant such an inappropriate response. It’s all cool though because I lit up right after the interview.</p>

<p>Oh, basically what I am saying is that most interviews seem very informal. You are going to come across more serious alums, but for the most part they are just trying to convince you to attend the school…by talking about the weed situation.</p>

<p>Andalusia, you sound like a ■■■■■ to me.</p>

<p>Not a ■■■■■ at all! What kind of ■■■■■ uses a Pixies’ “Debaser” reference/Islamic-influenced Spanish city as their user name? </p>

<p>I am not lying about my interviewer. He described himself as an “aging hippie geek” before we met, but I didn’t expect a mind-fried Rip Van Winkle to be giving me drug advice for college. I didn’t feel uncomfortable or anything, just that it seemed really unprofessional on his part. I have a mohawk, so I guess I come off as an unconventional applicant and maybe that’s why he felt that the pot comment was acceptable? I don’t know. </p>

<p>I just wanted the OP to know that my interview experiences (Barnard, Columbia, Smith, Wesleyan) were, rather than formal, more of a personal connection. I think as long as you are personable and appear comfortable, you will do fine.</p>

<p>My interview was hilarious. I had an alumni one at starbucks, and we talked about styrofoam cups, carbon copy paper (or something), and a ton of other random things. He kept mentioning how he had no affiliation with wesleyan besides being an alumnus, and said that while he was definitely going to write me a good report, he thought it wouldn’t make a difference in my app at all. haha.</p>