
<p>Two of my friends have already been contacted for an alumni interview! one of them did not pay for their application yet and the other doesn't even want to go to Dartmouth! </p>

<p>How long does it normally take for them to contact you? I have sent out everything, the only thing I am missing is my peer evaluation. SOME ONE HELP ME!</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re applying RD, right? Well I applied ED and my alumni contacted me mid-November. The good news is it seems like when they contact you, they want to have the interview that week (which could also be complicated). What I’m trying to get at is that you won’t need a lot of advanced notice for the interview. Plus, for ED, there wasn’t an interview until after the due date. That said, if you’re applying RD there is no reason to worry since you have until probably April to have an interview. Did that help?</p>