<p>I didn't get contacted for an interview, but just sent my application because I was trying to polish it up. Is it bad if I do not have an interview? I really love JHU!</p>
<p>If any admissions officers can answer, that'd be great. Thanks!</p>
<p>I didn't get contacted for an interview, but just sent my application because I was trying to polish it up. Is it bad if I do not have an interview? I really love JHU!</p>
<p>If any admissions officers can answer, that'd be great. Thanks!</p>
<p>PLEASE SEARCH before posting new questions!!!</p>
<p>JHU does not contact students for interviews … interviews are by request only. </p>
<p>*“Interviews”<a href=“1”>/I</a> <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/362445-interview-jhu.html?highlight=interview[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/362445-interview-jhu.html?highlight=interview</a>
(2) [Hopkins</a> Forums -> Interviews and the Admissions Process<a href=“3”>/url</a> [url=<a href=“http://apply.jhu.edu/visit/aluminterviews.html]Hopkins”>http://apply.jhu.edu/visit/aluminterviews.html]Hopkins</a> Undergraduate Admissions :: Visit :: Off-Campus Events :: Alumni Interviews](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)</p>