Intro to Comp Sci

<p>Would this be counted as a “g” class?</p>

<p>Bump, I have this same question. Also, if my school does not offer any “single, yearlong” art courses, would it fulfill the requirements to take 2 half-year courses? Could a district program that offers credit for taking out-of-school classes pass/fail for art credit give you a-g credit (the courses appear on your transcript)? I’m OOS (Minnesota), if it matters.</p>

<p>neal, no you cannot fulfill the VAPA requirement with two one-semester courses. Dunno about yoru second question.</p>

<p>Hal: CompSci is considered a math elective by UC, so yes, I’d put it under a-g.</p>

<p>So what you’re saying is that it is essentially impossible for me to get into any UC schools? Is there any way that I could take a class at a community college or something?</p>


<p>It is possible that UC will accept your district-approved course. I just don’t know.</p>

<p>Many OOS’ers and homeshoolers become eligible for admission by testing alone. For OOS, it requires ~710+ average on all five tests. Alternatively, you could take a one-semester college course in say, Art History, which would complete the requirement. Such a one-semester college course is ~AP Art History which is a one year course in HS (typically).</p>