<p>All freshmen engineering students need to complete 4.0 credit of Intro to Engineering, which can be consisted of many different 2.0-credit modules. How are they? Do they provide good introduction for engineering majors?</p>
<p>They’re hit or miss. Most are very good. They do introduce you to a specific topic very well.
They’re pretty easy too, pretty hard to get below a B. Some just give out everyone an A, others require you to work (doing hw, all projs) and it’s an A, while some are more difficult graders and harsh. But overall the classes are not difficult, expect very little work in them.</p>
<p>I took Project Dev. and Design as well as the MRI one. I learned quite a bit about MRIs and I learned how to use SolidWorks in the other one.</p>
<p>most of the good ones are already filled up full so if you haven’t gone to orientation yet you’re kind of left with whatever wasn’t taken.</p>
<p>I wanted the Human Brain Mapping one and the Hacking one but ended up with Photonics and this Critical Thinking/Problem Solving one.</p>
<p>Thank you for the replies! Could you tell us which ones are most popular? Well I’m going to take them in Spring semester</p>
<p>If Professor Trachtenberg is teaching the hacking class in the spring semester i would definitely recommend him. Definitely one of the best professors when it comes to teaching a class material thoroughly and clearly.</p>
<p>he is but both his fall and spring classes are full =/</p>
<p>^huh? You mean the spring 2010 courses are filled up already?</p>
<p>Anyway right now i’m interested in taking “The Electric Guitar as a Gateway to Electro-acoustics”</p>
<p>Ahhh my bad it slipped my mind that EK131 and EK132 are 1 semester split up into two 6 week chunks. Accidentally thought they were each a semester long when I wrote this, and since both courses were already full during my orientation I had falsely assumed that meant the spring was full. Either way, wont have Intro ENG courses in the spring so there goes that =/</p>
<p>^Thanks for the clarification NiklasK!</p>
<p>Yea, the intro courses are a huge grade booster. Mine were pretty good. I took Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery with Professor Wong and Project Development and Design. These courses definitely lower the pressure for you in college, while letting you take a glimpse of what you should expect.</p>
<p>I would like to ask one final question, sorry!</p>
<p>On your trasnscript does it say the course is Intro to Engineering, like for example “Introduction to Engineering: Project Development and Design”? Or does it just say “Project Development and Design”? Thanks!</p>
<p>bump!! It’s important for me because I don’t go to BU!</p>
<p>that’s what it says exactly</p>