<p>I don't know which class to choose, so I'll write my situation and hope your suggestions will help me decide:</p>
<p>I'm a biology major who needs to take General Chemistry I and II. I haven't taken chemistry since my sophomore year of high school and pretty much forgot everything. I'm taking a Gen. ED. biology class now and we did cover over some of the basic chemirstry things but none of the mathematical stuff involved with chemistry. I can take Introduction to Chemistry but I'd be behind a semester and I don't want that. I also don't want to go into General Chemistry not knowing what I'm doing and the professor expecting the people in the class to know a lot of the information already... Here are my options:</p>
<p>Plan A: I can take Introduction to Chemistry and get a brief overview to help with General Chemistry I, but I'd be behind a semester and this is something I'd rather avoid. </p>
<p>Here's the course description for the Introduction Chemistry course from my school website:</p>
<p>This course will provide beginning students with certain basic knowledge and skills, which will enable them to be successful in the first semester of General Chemistry I, CHM 1045. The students will learn elementary principles of modern chemistry, including basic measurements, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, concentration of solutions, and chemical nomenclature. Prerequisite MAT 1033. (3 hr. lecture)</p>
<p>Plan B: I can go straight into General Chemistry I, but I don't want to be lost with the material and feel overwhelmed. I am the type of person who is willing to put time into the course and learn things in depth, but I'd be going into the course not remembering anything from the high school chemistry class I took.</p>
<p>Here's the course description for the General Chemistry course from my school website: </p>
<p>First half of the CHM 1045-1046 sequence for science, premedical science and engineering majors. Students in programs requiring both courses must complete the CHM 1045-1046 sequence prior to transfer to a senior institution. Major topics in modern chemistry include: stoichiometry, atomic structure,bonding, thermochemistry, acids and bases, solutions and gas laws. Prerequisite: CHM 1025 or high school chemistry with a grade of "C" or better; corequisites: CHM 1045L, MAC 1105. Special fee. (3 hr. lecture)</p>
<p>Please help me decide! Thanks :)</p>