Introvert query: Quiet individual study spaces?

<p>For an introvert who will sometimes need to get away from his roommate, away from his classmates, and just have some quiet alone time, are there good places on campus to do this? I see a lot of quiet group study rooms in the dorms and the libraries -- are there good spaces for an individual to go to be alone to study or read or just be?</p>

<p>^^ my S is also an intervert - maybe they should be roommates :slight_smile: What orientation are you going to ? We are attending on June 19. </p>

<p>We haven’t figured it out which session yet. But that one is a possibility. I wonder if introverts are better off with other introverts, or with extroverts who can respect introversion. In a way I think an extrovert who would introduce them to more people would be good, and maybe someone who’s out and about more would leave the room available to the introvert for their needed recharging time?</p>

<p>@mathmomvt‌ I have to agree. I am pretty shy myself, and I have always done better when I am naturally around others via a “forced” environment. I did better in college when I roomed with others, rather than living alone. Even now, I would say it’s better for me to go into the office to work, rather than telecommute from home. Introverts like to be around friends - it’s just more difficult to be outgoing and to make those friends. Being in close proximity with people that we see on a regular basis helps to ease the shyness and pave the way to get to know others.</p>

<p>The only time I feel the need to withdraw and take a break is when I go to a party with lots of people. After a couple of hours, I need to take a breather and step outside. It can be physically draining to me to mingle and make small talk with a lot of people I don’t know.</p>

<p>I guess the best place to be along would be in the library. There is always a quiet corner available. Other than that there must be open spaces on campus that are less crowded. U could even sit and read under a tree.</p>

<p>@cosgirl I always used quiet corners of the library. But I also always had a single room! Hopefully there are also some quiet spaces near the honors dorm as well if he needs a break from his roommate and/or floor-mates. I’m sure he’ll find his quiet corners. </p>

<p>@momb2k I also have to take breaks from large parties. But DS14 is more introverted than that and really needs his “introvert time” daily. He has shared a bunk with a dozen kids at camp for a month though, so I’m sure he’ll survive sharing a room with 1 other kid :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Mathmomvt - I agree that it might be best for introverts to have extrovert friends helps in social situations. My S can shut down and just like quiet time - reading, watching videos or playing single player strategy /video games. I would say a couple of his friends are extroverts and really can talk…I don’t think that would be good for my S to have someone who is a chatty roommate. This year one of his extrovert friends started attending Medical Explores with him and S became a lot more social with the group.
Once my son becomes comfortable, his personality really comes through and he can be really funny and outgoing but definitely likes his down time. I am hoping that the honors college will be cohesive group and S will develop strong friendships within the group. I am also really hoping S will take advantage of the Trek program where can meet others with similar interest.
Back to your original question about quiet places. I do remember seeing a couple of study rooms at the honors college where individual students were studying. I think the library will be a good option for studying. I pretty sure that there were different levels of the library that offered quiet areas to study. </p>

<p>There are always options in the library. Hopefully there are some quiet spaces in or near the honors dorm also.</p>

<p>Hi. I wanted to check in with DS on this before replying as he grew up being a strong introvert. He hasn’t had any trouble finding his own quiet time and places. He said there are plenty of places around campus and that there are also some woods about a 10-minute walk north of the campus. It sounds like he visits those woods pretty regularly, sometimes alone and sometimes with friends. It seems to me that UVM has also resulted in his being more social than he has historically been. He is an avid musician, and he did tell me that he was lucky to meet a couple other musicians right at the beginning of the school year. He ended up becoming best friends with one of them who also has a similar, quiet, introverted personality. I get the feeling they really like spending their time together and that that decreases the time DS wants to spend by himself. </p>

<p>My son is an introvert - not at UV - but this advice would work anywhere. </p>

<p>He has a nice pair of noise-cancelling headphones that he wears when he studies or just wants to be alone. It’s the perfect solution for shutting out distractions or unwanted interruptions. </p>

<p>That’s a good graduation gift idea, @Mondut‌ </p>