<p>Our license has to be renewed after 5 years. It wouldn't be so much that it would not work anymore after 3 years, but it's not being used. You slaved over getting that piece of paper for about 6 months of hard studying and now it's like you could use it as TP. Sure you could sail the last two years with it...but I don't know seems very wasteful to me. </p>
<p>Next, if a kid is making 123k out of the gate...tell me who he is working for!!! I think 50-80k is more realistic depending on how much you sail/work overtime, the company or contract if with a union. </p>
<p>Let me try and put this in another perspective and ask some questions. We had a military information night a few weeks ago at school. The Navy table was handing out fliers that said a Navy Ensign will make roughly 66,000 dollars right out of school. Now keep in mind, that figure includes their Cost of living assistance, food, and their pay check. A KP grad goes out...sails for 6 months and gets 66000 bucks also...but he's got to pay rent/mortgage, for food, etc. when he isn't on a ship. At this point I don't think there is any huge monetary advantage except that you decide what to do with the 66,000 and they tell you what to do with most of it. </p>
<p>Next, I get the opinion that you believe the only way one can pay back the education and SERVE the United States of America is by going active duty. Does that mean that the Maritime Administrator is not serving the country? I know that seems a little black and white and the topic itself is in the gray area...but the point is that there is more then one way to serve your country, and like I said before when we need US ships to deliver our goods to the next war we get ourselves into you'll be glad that the US govt is paying for our education and FORCING us to go to sea. </p>
<p>Now all that being said...there are the "3 pillars" by which some will say the school stands on, academics, regiment, and athletics. Take one of those out and we go bye bye. Think about it, what would be the point without classes, who would pay for it if we weren't a regimented system (I probably wouldn't as a tax payer), and what alumni would ever donate money if it weren't for athletics!! I know the last one seems a little stretched, but let's be honest we need that money. </p>
<p>I agree, that with the 6 state schools, a budget cutter could easily shut KP down, I just think at this point there are a lot of powerful alums and people who care too much about the school to let that happen. </p>
<p>That being said, I'd really like an alum or DD1 to chime in cause they can answer some of this stuff 10 times better then I can.</p>