invisible children club

<p>how many of your schools have it?
i'm thinking of starting one next year and i f you have had experience in you it would be great if you could give me some advice</p>

<p>My school does.</p>

<p>They sell food, and t-shirts. Made around $700 this year, which is not shabby, as it is the first year</p>

<p>that’s great!
i think i will try and start one to demonstrate leadership b ecause honestly i feel like my ec’s are worthless</p>

<p>My school has one since 3 years ago. I’ve been in it since Fresh. I’m going to be president next year!</p>

<p>I googled it thinking it was going to be something cool about how kids sneak into places or blend into areas they would normally stick out in or cool stuff like that. Then I find it’s about some people who film Africans and act like they’re helping the world. </p>

<p>Though if you’re motives are to sound like a good leader, I can’t say I blame you. You sound like you’re doing something without being productive. Good luck.</p>

<p>its honestly like a kill 2 birds with 1 stone deal because i need ec’s and it’s a great cause… our school needs something like this we have horrible choices for clubs</p>

<p>My school has the club and I can honestly say it’s one of the few clubs that actually makes a difference. We do lots of fundraisers for the Schools4Schools faction of IC Inc. Our club has been really successful, and we’re only in our third or so year. Last year we collected almost 30,000 books for the book drive (sooo close to sending someone to Uganda!) and we usually make a couple thousand dollars along with the books we collect. Our teacher sponsor happened to have been part of the organization as a physics teacher who went to Uganda and taught at one of the schools IC built. I love the club and plan on being a roadie when I’m in college. I’m the fundraising director now and hopefully I can be president by next year. It’s a really great organization to have at your school - we love hosting the roadies and going to overnight activism events that they hold. IC really does a great deal in helping Northern Ugandan children find their way in life and overcome the terrors of Joseph Kony and the LRA. </p>

<p>Oh, and QwertyKey - way to be a freaking prat. Don’t put down an entire organization that has helped pass legislation to benefit Uganda without actually learning about it and starting a club as heavy as IC isn’t exactly someone’s easy way in to a leadership position. IC isn’t about acting like you’re helping the world. You actually do stuff, idiot.</p>