<p>Has anybody seen this documentary? It seems like nobody knows about it at my school. And if you have seen it, did you go to the GNC and/or DM?</p>
<p>I went to the GNC, and I wanted to go to DM but it was wayyyy too far away.</p>
<p>So, anyone?</p>
<p>I've seen the documentary. Our school showed it, but only classes that signed up got to go. Fortunately, mine was one of them. :)</p>
<p>Oh, and I didn't go to the GNC... my mom wouldn't let me...</p>
<p>What does DM stand for?</p>
<p>I wanted to go to both, but the parents put the ka-bosh on it.</p>
<p>My sister's senior class raised over 8,000 dollars for them and there's now an IC club at my school. :)</p>
<p>Oh, yeah. Sorry. :)</p>
<p>Wow. 8,000 dollars? That's amazing.</p>
<p>yup :) And the amazing part was that when they started the project everyone told them they wouldn't raise more than 200.</p>
<p>Yeah, they came to our school last year, and now we're starting a club.</p>
<p>proletariat2: Are you going to it? It's called A & A. I'm involved in it :].</p>
<p>I'm attending IC club at my school this year :)</p>