IOE vs Econ

<p>It’s possible but you have to plan your courses accordingly. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up taking 17 or 18 credits with 3 IOE classes per sem. What exactly have you completed? You still haven’t answered my previous questions. What does ENG 125 count as? HU? How about the physics part?</p>

<p>Well I have taken some classes else where too. So I have completed engineering 100, chem 125/126 130, calc 1, 1 credit engineering seminar, English 125, bio 172, physics 125 and lab. Some transferable credits are total of I think 7 credits including chem 210x and philosophy.</p>

<p>I meant Engineering 101 but apparently I didnt do well enough so I have to redo it.
So I am planning to take ENGR 101, ENGR 100, MATH 116, Physics 140/141. Do you think this is impossible or that I shouldnt take these 4 together??</p>

<p>Not impossible at all. </p>

<p>But I haven’t heard good things about Calc 2. 101 could be hard depending on ur programming ability. 100 could be hard if you get a hard section. Physics could be hard if you have little experience with it</p>

<p>Will they let you take both 101 and 100 at the same time? I remember someone else trying to do that before (couple of years ago though) and it wouldn’t let him.</p>

<p>I see well they are saying that I shouldnt but I mean I have taken 101 before and I just did not have a good grade so I can somewhat expect what the class is about and so on. I just really want to take them because if I get the ENGR 101 and 100 out of the way I can start taking IOE classes such as IOE 201, 202, 265, 333, 334 in the winter term.<br>
I have a question. I was looking through all the IOE classes and the it seems that none of the rereqs. require physics does that mean there is a way to not take Physics and major in IOE? I am in no way trying to find a easy way I’m just trying to see if there is a way to lessen the load of classes and take IOE classes as soon as possible.

<p>No, I’m pretty sure Physics 140 and 240 are a requirement for all engineering</p>

<p>So my advisor says I cant take ENGR 101 and 100 together and is only allowing me to take Physics 140/141, Math 116, and ENGR 100 right now because I did poorly before when I was a freshman is there an easy elective I can take with these classes to speed up my credit earnings? I know I would have to take some more electives down the road anyway possibly a 3 credit course so that it would be 16 credits for this semester rather than 13.

<p>It’s a 4 credit class but why not take 214 or 215 and get it out of the way? Either of these should be less work than Engr101.</p>

<p>So you think I should take ENGR 100; MATH 116, 214; and PHYSICS 140/141?</p>

<p>Well, it will be easier than what you were planning on taking.</p>

<p>It will probably be more work than you were used to, especially to pass all the classes. The different Engr100 sections take different amounts of work.</p>

<p>collegematter, you really need to talk to an adviser – I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to graduate in 6 semesters judging from your posts in this thread</p>

<p>What are some easy elective I need to take or can take with these 3 classes?</p>

<p>You could try one of the non-IOE tech electives. I think there’s a lot of Psych classes and such on there. Just take whatever sounds interesting.</p>