<p>I am a sophomore in HS in MN right now and am looking for good architecture colleges in the midwest. ISU tops my list at the momennt. I just have a few questions about it...</p>
<p>How are the music programs there?
-I may be majoring in architecture, but music is a big factor in my selecting a college.</p>
<p>Can you get paid for playing in a music ensemble there?</p>
<p>Also, what are my chances of getting in? It's kind of hard to say when I'm only a sophomore, but here's what I've got so far..</p>
<p>GPA - 3.976
classes i plan on taking/have taken
band (concert, marching, pep, jazz) - 4 years
choir - 4 years
english - 4 years (english 9, AP english 10, writing/research, college lit, speech, found. writing.. i will take AP comp/lit my SR year instead of found. writing and speech if it fits in my schedule)
science - 4 years (phys. sci, bio, chem, physics)
social studies - 3.5 years (govt/careers, am history, geography, economics, government)
math- 4 years (AP math every year, basically math a year ahead of where i should be, so math 10-12 and AP calc)
foreign languages- 2 years (spanish or german, whichever fits my schedule)</p>
<p>other activities
band, choir, 4-H (lots of leadership roles in that), tennis, golf, dance, youth group at church (lots of leadership rolers there, too), probably will get on national honor society, blah blah...</p>
<p>I also plan on being a foreign exchange student after i graduate from high school for a year.</p>