iPhone vs...?

<p>Hellooo. :) so I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy & it's pretty cool. However, my sister has an iPhone, & my phone company says I can switch to that if I want. Just wanted to know, how are they different & which is better?</p>

<p>Keep the galaxy. The android os more powerful than the iPhone os</p>

<p>Keep the galaxy because a new iPhone is rumored to be released in September anyway</p>

<p>has anyone heard about a 5th generation ipod touch?</p>

<p>Is it the galaxy S II (the newest one)? Android is more powerful and more open source than apple.</p>

<p>Keep the android. The Galaxy is a powerful phone, so it can last you for a year or two. Which means hold on until OS6 or 7 comes out.</p>

<p>O lucky! I wish I could have either of those phones! :slight_smile: but anyways, keep the android! They are way cooler and faster!</p>

<p>I have the Samsung Galaxy. Originally, I disliked it and wished I could’ve gotten an iPhone, but now that I’ve customized it a good bit, I love it. I’d never, ever get an iPhone now.</p>