
<p>I have decided to purchase an ipod for college, but I really dont know which one to buy. Should I, perhaps, get a different brand? Anyway, I have to choose between a shuffle, mini, photo, H2, etc. I want one that will last for a long time, so I think I have knocked the shuffle and mini out of the way. Do you think I should wait until graduation in June, or buy it right now.</p>

<p>Personally, I like the Ipod 30 GB photo, cause i like the color!</p>

<p>For all those who dont prefer Ipods - what brand would you recommend?</p>

<p>ive seen the other brands and most people definitely prefer the ipod. the ipod definitely looks the nicest/seems the most "technologically" advanced/easiest to use. i would use the ipod, i dont know anyone who doesnt love their ipod. i dont know why you would wait because the ipod price isnt going to go down, its so popular, and especially if you are going to buy an ipod photo. those were just released and buying them later is basically the same thing as buying it now so u might as well get it earlier and put it to use!</p>

<p>5th Generation Ipod is coming out in the fall. At that time, 4th gens will rapidly go on sale and drop in price.</p>

<p>If you are an audiophile, you will realize that Apple skimped on its decoder chips through its entire line (except the Shuffles). I have worked with both Apple and Archos products and prefer Archos by a wide margin. Although their interfaces are akin to a grey-box prototype's, Archos' products offer you FAR more control over your music and files than any of its competitors. The rumors about Archos' product support are true: there is none. But Apple is little better, fleecing you for all you're worth. Apple is a status symbol. If you are a run-of-the-mill consumer, obsessed with keeping up with the Joneses, then an iPod is right for you. If you prefer to be the master of your technological domain, check out Archos.</p>

<p>Apple has excellent support. You can go in and exhange your iPod at any Apple store within 14 days for a new one if there's even a tiny flaw. Good luck trying to do that with any other player.</p>

<p>But people do complain about apple's sound quality. Even with good headphones, apple iPods do not sound anywhere as good as iRiver players do. If you want really good sound, go iRiver.</p>


<p>what will the 5th gens look/be like? new features?</p>

<p>no one knows. Apple keeps stuff secret until about 2 weeks before release.</p>

no one knows. Apple keeps stuff secret until about 2 weeks before release.


Actually they try to keep it secret until the nanosecond before they release it, but don't always manage - there's always a source.</p>

<p>I have first-gen mini. Cutest thing ever. I agree that the sound is not so hot, but I mostly use it in situations where music quality isn't an issue (e.g. plane, bus, on the street) so the sound quality hardly matters.</p>