IR at Penn

<p>While I'm fairly undecided, I think I'm really interested in pursuing IR. Can anyone speak to the merits of the program, the pros and cons, class size and requirements, etc?</p>

<p>From ilovebagels:</p>



<p>I knew that ilovebagels would have a lot to say on this, but that was really fantastic. thanks!!</p>

<p>wow, ilovebagels is awesome, and undoubtedly good-looking! :)</p>

<p>^ and not the least bit narcissistic. :p</p>

Did you takeany courses/have any contact with the South Asia Studies department? If so, any standout profs or classes? Also, how popular is this major and can it realistically be combined with IR or PoliSci?

<p>Okay, I just noticed that you indeed double majored, but in East Asian Studies, despite ending up in India. No wonder I’m confused. Question still stands, however, any experience with SOUTH Asia dept?</p>

<p>oh, and also, what were your general class sizes (past introductory ones)? Were many of them discussion oriented?</p>

<p>Yeah, life is funny sometimes. I still had plenty of internships in East Asia but this South Asia opportunity was too good to pass up (besides, having expertise on east AND south asia makes me more unique to grad schools, employers, etc :))</p>

<p>I never took a class in the South Asia department (but I can tell you that its acronym used to be South Asia Regional Studies…or SARS…which was changed when the Asian disease of the same name broke out). I did take one class taught in PSCI taught by Francine Frankel, who is awesome. She reeks of intelligence and had to miss a class to go testify before Congress. When it comes to modern South Asia (particularly India), Penn and it’s CASI (Center for Advanced Study of India) are second to none.</p>