IR or intelligence?

<p>I am interested in international relations and intelligence studies, and I want to work for an agency like the CIA or state dept. I was in military intelligence, but discharged honorably due to medical reasons, although my security clearance was suspended, so i am not sure if those aggencies will accept me. which is better to take? (intelligence also covers GIS systems)</p>

<p>Since you’re not sure if you’d qualify for a job with a gov’t agency, don’t overly specialize in intelligence studies. On the other hand, IR doesn’t give you specific skills. The best approach is to consider specific skills that might be in demand (e.g., GIS), but also getting the broader context (IR). Can you study both fields?</p>

<p>Also, consider geography as a field. You could study GIS in that field and get a broader context, too. Or, geography in combination with IR.</p>

<p>Having said that, intelligence analysis isn’t limited to GIS/remote sensing. Expertise in a wide range of fields is relevant, ranging from computer science to logistics to languages & area studies, which I think is a better way to go than just a general IR field. There are gov’t funded student programs in some of these areas.</p>

<p>Here are some links that may interest you:
[The</a> Language Flagship - * Welcome *](<a href=“]The”>
[Summer</a> Language Program for Undergraduates at the National Security Agency (NSA)](<a href=“]Summer”>
[Opportunities</a> for Students at the National Security Agency (NSA)](<a href=“]Opportunities”>
[Student</a> Scholarship Search](<a href=“]Student”>
[U.S</a>. Dept. of State, Student Programs Index](<a href=“]U.S”>
[USGIF</a> - Scholarships](<a href=“]USGIF”>
[GIS</a> Colleges | GIS Pathway…](<a href=“]GIS”>
[url=<a href=“College of Engineering - Wayne State University”>College of Engineering - Wayne State University]Center</a> for Academic Excellence - CAE Scholars Program](<a href=“]CSU-ACE[/url”>
[U.S</a>. Department of State Careers - Students](<a href=“]U.S”>
[ScienceDirect</a> - Computers, Environment and Urban Systems : The emerging GIS degree landscape](<a href=“]ScienceDirect”>
[How</a> to start a career in GIS? Is a master’s degree necessary? Advice please! - The GIS Forum](<a href=“]How”>
[Education</a> and Experience for a GIS Job | GIS Pathway…](<a href=“]Education”></p>

<p>thanks for the great links! What I’m thinking is a BA in IR complemented with an MA/MS is the best way to go. I recently planned to go to a physical campus, but I’m thinking online college now (because my rent at my current location is basically free). And I am interested in american military university. Unfortunately, AMU does not offer a geography degree (although an 18 credit certificate in intelligence analysis covers GIS) They also offer information technology degrees. </p>

<p>I’ve also thought about the Peace Corps or teaching abroad. I’m not interested in lons of money, just job security.</p>

<p>AMU offers Information Systems Security and Transportation and Logistics Management. Do those sound pretty good? The problem I have with IR is thst it is too popular. I think it might include a lot of stuff I already know or can pick up on the job. Plus, I plan to get rosetta stone and study chinese anyway</p>

<p>Transportation and Logistics Management looks like it can lead to a job pretty.</p>

<li>pretty well</li>

<p>I signed up for international relations: globalization and human security.</p>

<p>Actually, International Relations makes me too nervous. I Guess I can enter the peace corps with it… but I already have the general ED thing. I’m not a very social person also, so technical skills are more my thing. I have 4 months left in my GI bil, so I am thinking I could get a certificate in intelligence analyis from AMU. Then my GI bill will run out, and I can apply for 12 months of the post 9-11 Gi bill (at 90% benefits since i only served 33 monthe after 9-11). They said the transition between pre and post 9-11 gi bills is pretty seamless though.</p>

<p>I can get a BS in GIS from American Sentinel university.</p>

<p>ASU looks like a similar military friendly university. What interests me is their credit transfer policy looks even better than AMU’s. My goal is to enter with 90 sem transfer credits (I have 87 civilian ones, plus my MOS [98K] training, which should be woth like 15 credits, maybe)</p>