<p>...are out. I like 'em. =)</p>
<p>Here’s the Foreign Policy article showing the IR rankings:</p>
<p>[Foreign</a> Policy: Inside the Ivory Tower](<a href=“http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4685&page=1]Foreign”>http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4685&page=1)</p>
<p>I’m assuming when they say “#12 University of Colorado, Denver” they mean the University of Denver (Korbel School) which last year was #9.</p>
<p>I wonder why Monterey Institute dropped off the list?</p>
<p>Thanks for the new links. I’ve been looking online for some new links that rank the IR schools. </p>
<p>And yes, they meant the University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Affairs, not the University of Colorado, Denver…I don’t know why they posted that, a DU rep should straighten that out.</p>
<p>The fact that a longitudinal study, such as the one these rankings are based on, would commit such an error - mistaking the name of one school for another, is shocking. UC Denver doesn’t even HAVE a graduate program in IR. Foreign Policy and William and Mary College should be ashamed - they really have egg on their faces with this.</p>
<p>why is Harvard KSG in the top 3 for terminal master’s programs in IR? didn’t KSG just start its international and global affairs concentration last year? and isn’t it more of a public policy school focusing more on domestic policies anyway? or does it rank so high b/c of its international development program or simply b/c of the harvard name??</p>
<p>and jhu sais got 0 responses from south african scholars? ouch.</p>