<p>Irvine major: Business Information Management
The honors program is really appealing to me, especially with priority enrollment and guaranteed housing. However, I don't know how the BIM major is at Irvine (or even just the Business Administration major). Also, it's not as well known as Berkeley, but I have heard that the professors are good at Merage. My friend told me that the environment is relaxed and the classes are relatively easy (i.e, less stress). I don't really like the idea of how Irvine is a commuter campus and is dead on the weekends. I'm visiting Irvine next week for Discover UCI and CHP Stay Over Program.</p>
<p>Berkley major: Pre-Business, L&S
As a Spring Admit, I would first attend FPF (Fall extension program) and then join Berkeley for the spring. I already know a professor at Haas so I feel like that would be helpful. However, I have to apply to Haas in my sophomore year and there is around a 50% chance I won't get in. I have to figure out a back-up plan in case things don't go the way I had planned. I like Berkeley's environment better and love Telegraph. The classes will be larger than the ones at Irvine.</p>
<p>In your opinion, which school should I attend, weighing both the pros and cons? Why?
Any advice is greatly appreciated; Thank you :)</p>