Is 2017 Santa Clara University's Johnson Scholarship semi-finalist notification out?

Can anyone tell me if he/she has been notified by Santa Clara U. that he/she is a Johnson Scholarship semi-finalist? The usual notification period for prospective freshman applicant is around mid February of every year.

My kid got an email notice on this last Friday.

So that was Friday, Feb. 17, 2017?

My DS got an email notification about 2 weeks ago. Then, on Friday, he got the essay question sent to him by email.

What about the finalist notification? Is there a specific date when that’ll be released as well? I submitted my essay about two Thursdays ago.

@ohiogirl1998 - my DS’s semi-finalist letter said “mid-March”. Hopefully it will be by the end of the week. Essays were due on 3/4. Not sure how many they had to read.

My son said his Johnson Scholarship essay was due yesterday (3/12). Did anyone else have that, or is he mistaken? He submitted it yesterday!

My information definitely said it was due March 4th at 5pm PST. Has he gotten a confirmation email?

@MrRobot5x5 my son’s email and letter said 3/4. But don’t panic, there may have been other due dates for one reason or the other. Check the email again just to be sure.

Has anyone received the invite to interview for the Johnson’s Scholarship by mail yet?

Received a response that Son was Not chosen as a finalist last week

My son hasn’t heard anything yet. Did they notify you by mail or e-mail? So sorry about the news :frowning: - my son got an email last week as well. Not moving forward.

e mail.