Is 223 gonna get Semifinalist in NJ?

750 reading 740 writing gave me a 223 selection index. In NJ will this get my semifinalist status?

I think you should have a high chance to earn semifinalist. NJ has been at 222 for the past 2 years , and 3 years ago it was the highest at 223. The odds of it setting a personal record and going for 224 do not seem to be too high, but if there is a lesson we can learn from the hectic last year and Maryland’s 224, there is always a possibility! In short, though, I would say you are most likely safe for NMSF.


Almost certainly. Last year’s 224 in DE was driven by very unique circumstances in a very small state. No larger state went to 224, even with similar circumstances. And no state has been 224 outside of the abnormal pandemic-driven circumstances.

NJ has been 222 for a few straight years, and 223 would be the highest I can see it claiming to.

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