@ucbalumnus would WHAP be enough to demonstrate well roundedness or should I do both WHAP and AP English?
AP English Language is a staple.
Everything else would come in addition to AP English.
Agree with above. But it’s not an AP arsms race. It is crazy to think you must take a whole bunch of APs in senior year when you already have five. I think another one or two is fine. There are many senior posters on Cc who will say 6-8 is a good number to aim for.
I mean, my school has had kids sent to MIT/Stanford/Ivies and the like who took less than 5 AP’s 9-11, before applying to college. It’s not a battle to see who can tuck the most AP’s under their belt. Unlike what most people think, this isn’t a gigantic competition. It’s a combination of what you do both in and out of the classroom that put you in a school’s place.