<p>I'm applying next fall, but reading through the forums makes me wonder if I have any shot at all getting into a UC. I still have a few classes left to complete for my pre-reqs, but I predict my GPA to stay at a 3.0 or slightly improve to 3.1/3.2. I already have a ton of units from IGETC (because I switched my major later on) so I don't think the GPA can go up too much even if I do really well. So I'll likely float between 3.0 and 3.2.</p>
<p>I'll looking to transfer into Davis, Irvine, or Santa Cruz. I don't how impacted CS is over there. Should I just start looking into CSU's or can I get a little lucky and get at least into UCD?</p>
<p>3.0 can make it to ucr
or ucm</p>
<p>Uuugh I really don’t want to go to those schools though. Is your post implying that it isn’t good enough for the schools I listed?</p>
<p>3.0 is a tad low but it doesn’t hurt to try. Don’t bother applying to UCR or UCM if you don’t even want to go. Maybe look into a CSU that you might be interested in just as a backup. I’m not too sure if CS is impacted at any of the schools you listed because I’m not too familiar with it, but if it isn’t, I think you have a chance at Davis and Santa Cruz.</p>
<p>None of the school you listed above is impacted in CS
I do believe you can get into all three with good grades this fall and a strong upward trend. A personal statement may not be very helpful for mid-tier UCs, so you need to focus on your fall grades and major pre-reqs completion. Did you TAG with SC? If so, you are guaranteed a slot because majors in the Jack Baskin School of Engineering are guaranteed to transfer students. If not, try to get your GPA as high as you can. Gluck!</p>
<p>To repeat the above poster, if you live in the bay area, consider SJSU as they have a really strong engineering program!</p>
<p>SJSU thresholds for fall 2011:</p>
<p>Computer Engineering: 2.60
Computer Science: 3.00
Electrical Engineering: 2.60
Software Engineering: 2.00</p>
<p>[SJSU</a> Admission](<a href=“http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/admission/rec-1211.html]SJSU”>http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/admission/rec-1211.html)</p>
<p>The Software Engineering major at SJSU is mostly similar to Computer Science, although it requires some additional software engineering methods courses that may displace some computer science courses; it can be seen as a “back door” to Computer Science at SJSU if you are unsure of being able to get into Computer Science at SJSU.</p>
<p>I think those GPAs are the minimum required to be eligible to apply to that major at SJSU. To be a competitive transfer applicant for Engineering programs, particularly if you are not applying from Santa Clara or Santa Cruz counties could require considerably higher GPAs.</p>