Is a A.A. degree in Mass Communication a waste of money?

<p>I've been getting a lot of negative feedback about my intended major, and I just wanted some honest opinions.</p>

<p>What is your plan for the AA? Do you plan on eventually going on for a BA in Communications?</p>

<p>Communications is a popular 4-year major and salaries are low compared to fields like engineering, business, math, economics and computer science. Having said that I know communications majors who have gone into marketing and have done very well. It really depends on your plans after the AA.</p>

<p>After the AA I plan on working a job or internship in a relevant field for a year or two before returning to school for a some sort of degree in communications, mass communications, or journalism.</p>

<p>I can’t speak to internships. But you will need that 4-year degree. One other caution is that it may some time to get full-time employment. My niece has a communications degree and after a year and a half took a job in a different field. (She was lucky in that she lives at home after graduation and had some money available to hold her over.) So some of the negative feedback is warranted. I wish you the best.</p>