is a car worth it?

<p>is having a car at indiana worth it or is parking too much of a hassle and the bus system good enough?</p>

<p>It might be for freshmen, since I believe you have to park in lots away from the dorms and move your car on game days – maybe someone can give the details on that. My daughter is a sophomore and has her car on campus and parks it in the dorm lot. It doesn’t seem to be a hassle at all. She doesn’t drive it to class and I know she takes the bus at times. The bus system is good – see [H2O</a> Transportation](<a href=“]H2O”></p>

<p>My son is a junior and has left his car at home here in California rather than take it to Bloomington for the first three years–and plans to do the same next year as a senior. The bus system is good in Bloomington–and other than during move-in days for the dorms–or when you move out of the dorms to an apartment, there really isn’t a need for a car. (We show up and rent a car for him on those days.)</p>

<p>He also saves a ton of money by “garaging” the car at home while he is away at school–and only paying for car insurance when he uses it during the summer months. Car insurance rates will be really high if you take it to school–and let’s be honest, while you will be popular with your friends (and maybe the opposite sex) since you have a car, you will also be the one who will be asked to drive everybody else everywhere on the weekends or during vacation breaks.</p>

<p>He says the bus occasionally is a pain, though, when they are running “full” and pass right by. Naturally, this happens the most on rainy days, snowy days, or the days when you are running late to your early morning class.</p>

<p>It depends. If you live in a dorm, you’ll almost never use it (unless you are driving home/to another university). If you live at The Village life without a car will suck.</p>

<p>My son is a freshman and lives in a dorm. He has his car from home. At IU you really don’t need a car if you live on campus. You cannot drive to any of your classes, there is no parking. If you registered early enough for a dorm room you can get a dorm parking permit as a freshman, my son has one. He really does not need the car. However, if you live off campus, it will come in very handy.</p>

<p>Get it for sophomore year if your going off campus. Forget it for freshman year.</p>