Is a CS postbac my best option? If so, where?

<p>Hi everyone!
I'm interested in pursuing CS but I'm not sure how to go about it. I graduated with a major in the humanities, a low gpa and never took any CS classes. I'm now considering a postbac program at CUNY to graduate with a CS major. Are there any other programs people recommend or different routes for me to get a CS degree? Any advice or suggestion is welcome. Thanks!</p>

<p>Post-bac programs in CS seem to be fairly uncommon so your choices will probably be limited. Furthermore, most of the programs I found seem to offer certificates rather than degrees. Does your alma mater (or an affiliated campus) accept students seeking a second Bachelor’s degree in CS? If so, that could be another option.</p>

<p>A friend of mine was not a CS major but after he graduated, he took CS classes through Tufts University’s post-bac program and was eventually accepted into an MS program in CS. It should be noted, however, that he was a Mech Eng major so you probably have more of an uphill battle if you were humanities major.</p>

<p>@Mokonon thank you for your answer!</p>