Is a gap year worth it for me? All rejections

Ohio state entities tend to be as transparent as possible. There is a process for additional inquiry, but usually aggregated data is public and published online as much as possible.

Anecdotally, spring major admissions to first choice engineering majors seemed to follow the previously published gpa guarantee minimums for majors that had them.

Students need to manage their gpa, not just for major placement but also to be competitive for internships, to maintain eligibility for scholarship funds and to avoid academic probation.

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@Wumbofet Please take the time to read this whole linked thread. It’s old, but it’s well worth the read…and especially since you are considering taking a gap year. Read the WHOLE thread. You may find some of it helpful.


Although it looks like that student did not apply to any safeties the second time either (but did not get shut out the second time).

To @Wumbofet , regarding a gap year, what is the plan for the gap year? It may be more worth considering if you intend to do something productive in some way. But if you just put your life on hold for a year, that may be a waste of a year of your life. In the latter case, it is likely to be better to move on and start your college education at a community college.

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Debating is not allowed, but for this very strong student, there WERE safety and less competitive schools on his list after his gap year. This was 15 years ago…so schools that would not be safety or very likely schools now…WERE at that time. And he got accepted to all but his repeat application schools…which tells me his list was more spot on than the first application list.

And I still recommend reading the thread.

Anyway…my point is…this @Wumbofet needs a plan for a good gap year, and a good list of colleges to apply to. That second part will happen so soon if this student does take a gap year.